The True Meaning Of The Evidence Of Immortality

By John Stewart

With the technological advancements of today, there are many forms of entertainment that money can buy. However, the number of people committing suicide is rising, and this is due to them not experiencing the contentment in life. Sadly, human beings are failing in making their fellow human beings feel loved in this world full of chaos. However, people should know the true meaning of the evidence of immortality for them to live life to the fullest.

Albeit they have accomplished much in their jobs, or they have huge amounts of money in their pockets, there are still individuals who are struggling to find the significance of this lifetime. They end up losing their money on pleasures that gives them joy that have no permanence. After a night of pleasures, they return to their residences, still feeling lonely.

Some made their careers flourishing by sacrificing the humanity in them. They end up losing the love of their family members since they have prioritized their careers and spending too much time at work. They focus on supplying the material needs of their families, and ignoring the fact that quality time is the most important need to supply.

Surely, having complete meals every day, having clothes, and a house to live in is vital. However, having no one to share the meals with, to help in picking clothes that helps you look sharp, and a house that is empty will prove that these worldly things is really not that important. The worldly things people acquire in their lifetime are present to provide assistance in the survival in this green earth, and not the things that are to be top priority.

Some people are losing friends because of them taking advantage of the goodness of their friends. Especially if they work on the same job, a person might step on a beloved friend just to get a promotion. Indeed, a promotion is needed to have more money, and yet, again, it is really not worth losing a friend that has been with you all this time.

What is behind the evidence is the fact that after dying, there is still life. Therefore, earthly stuff are not to be prioritized. The reason behind would be that persons should take care of every living creature in this earth, it does not matter what kind of life they are living, and the stuff they have done, since the One who have given us everything is watching us.

However, that Someone will not judge individuals based on the words they have spoken, the actions they have taken, and the thoughts that are running through their minds. Humans are judged by their faith. Although, one should only speak beauty, take good actions, and have good thoughts since those are what make persons truly a believer.

In this messed up world, it is not preventable to have loved ones who are struggling with depression and are having suicidal thoughts. Humans must prioritize the humanity in them, and lend a helping hand to those loved ones. Make them aware of how important they are.

Even with the many forms of entertainment, one will not satisfy the spirit with those kinds of entertainment. Entertainment is the time spent with families who loves you unconditionally. One should take heed of the true meaning, and get to know the Creator who will love you unconditionally.

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How To Handle The Syndrome Common To Empty Nesters

By Robert King

Parents go through many things in raising their children to raise their children to be responsible citizens when grown. That is their goal in raising their children, whether they do it right or wrong. But, the time ultimately comes when the child will be leaving. This is not always a pleasant thing for the parent. They don't want to face the empty nesters situation. Even though it is supposed to be a happy time, that is not always so.

Instead of feeling the emptiness and grief of a home without children, parents can take pride in their children. They are leaving home to start their lives, with the skills the parents have instilled into them. The parents can be proud that their children have the knowledge and responsibility they have been taught. They can look forward to the successes the children are going to enjoy.

If you are feeling this deep sadness, it is best to admit that instead of pretending all is well. You can be happy for your child and still feel a sadness and loneliness. Admit it and understand that it is normal. If the sadness becomes too bad, however, you may need to seek professional help for a period of time until the feeling passes.

One key to coping with the sadness is to think about things you enjoyed before you had children. Many of these have been forgotten about in the effort of raising your family. If they are still of interest to you, go back and enjoy them again. Or, at least find something that will be enjoyable to you.

Finding a new hobby or something that will keep you occupied, something that you were not able to do when you had kids, maybe even something a little bit crazy but interesting. It may be you wanted to skydive, or zip line. Do it now that you have less obligations, and no small child to be responsible for.

Now is the perfect time to get busy on your career, doing things you could not do when you had kids. You can travel, or got to school, or whatever it takes to make you career a priority. You can even start a new career if you desire to do so. You have less family responsibility and can now focus on a new career.

Travel, which is so hard when you have children is now possible. You can travel across the country or even internationally, if you choose. RV living is also now possible. If retired, you have no time restraints. Keep you identification with you and you can qualify for special senior prices and programs. You have unlimited possibilities now, with no children to consider.

You are now free to downsize your home and live in different arrangement, either a swanky one, or a cheaper, smaller one. If you want to live on the beach, or in the mountains, or wherever, you are now free to do that, as you don't have to worry about being close to schools and doctors and such. You also don't need as large a house, so can get a more luxurious smaller one that may be something you have always wanted.

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