Reasons to blog for your business

By Natalie Asher

It can be a tricky question to answer because if you are not doing it for an income then why would you spend so much time and put in so much effort to write a blog at all?

If you are already a blogger, sit and think for a minute what drives you to sit at a computer and write blog posts to a bunch of random strangers. Do you enjoy it when someone comments on your post? Do you like conversing with other people who share a similar interest?

Well I'm one of those people, proper ordinary, mostly boring as hell and with no particular set of objectives in mind so I'm hoping to shed some light on what has been amusingly (and probably quite rightly) called 'vanity blogging' - see Annie's knitsofacto blog for a great post on the subject.

My blog started life as a way of recording things, recording for me, my family and my friends and for a long while (a long while) this was it's sole purpose. I quite liked it, it kept me busy whilst I was studying to finish a degree and be at home for our puppy, it distracted me from boring stuff like writing essays, picking up dog poo and swotting for exams. It made me feel (and this is quite sad to admit) like I had a job still and therefore a purpose in life - lets face it studying history can feel pretty pointless most of the time.

Blogging will get me results. It will if you take the time to do it right. In other words, give blogging the commitment it requires. Blogging for a business is only one aspect of a good marketing program. And blogging will get results. In fact, those businesses who have a blog get more leads and get more business.

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